Thursday, 21 October 2010

edited pics in iphoto

boosted colour
fade colour
matte 5
edge blur 7
vignette 6
vignette 6
matte 5
boost colour

Friday, 8 October 2010

nature photo shoot

Portfolio title: photo shoot
Target audience: everyone
Theme: wildlife and nature
Presentation medium: slideshow
Portfolio goals and objectives:
What does the project aim to do?
practice photography around crawley.

What effect do you want to have on the audience?
Is there a question you are exploring?
capturing movement.
Portfolio description: Explain the types of images the portfolio will contain, such as:
Location and resources:
Where will your images be taken?
various dirt track walks and tilgate
What equipment will you need?

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Unit B - Digital Images - Assignment 1

What is the difference between traditional photography and digital photography? 
The difference between traditional and digital photography is that you have to use light sensitive paper with a film and chemicals but with digital there is a sensor instead of film.

What are the different sources of digital images? 

The different sources of digital images which take photos are :
Ipod, Phones, Camera, CCTV and Webcam.

The different sources which store photos are:
Tv, Computer, Ipod, DVD, Phones, Camera, Xbox, CCTV and Internet.

How are digital image files stored and played on a computer?


Original photo which hasn't been processed. not all software can convert or edit an item which is in RAW.

Using the jpeg format means you can save alot more photos but most of the quality is sacraficed.

Other types of format are:
Bitmap - .bmp - for use on windows
Pict - .pct - for use on mac
Tagged - .tif - high definition - best for printing photos.
Photoshop - .psd - Edit photo
Graphics - .gif - used on compuserve

How is digital image file quality measured

Digital images are measured by pixels, 1 pixel includes 1 million pixels